Welcome to Maritime Heritage East

Maritime Heritage East (MHE) is a unique programme running across the East of England working with more than 30 museums and heritage organisations, whose goal is to establish and develop the position and importance of maritime history, both within the region and nationally.

The programme was originally created by Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service with funding from a range of organisations. Today it is funded by the members together with an annual grant from SHARE. It is now managed by the members themselves through a management team.

Your link to our museums

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We're developing a database of vessels built, owned or registered in the counties served by our Museums. We have some trial material in place, as you'll see from the tab near the top of this page. One of our members has undertaken a major project in transcribing registers and another is assisting in developing a structure in which we can display it. It will change over time and hopefully grow as we consider how to present many decades of information from a range of varying registers.